

>     Does anyone know of any World-Wide Web pages devoted to
>Parkinson's?  I have found none and have decided to tackle the task of
>creating an information center.
>     I would like some feedback on my idea.  Please send ideas, comments,
>questions, etc. to me at [log in to unmask] or post them here.
>     Here's a basic outline of the information I'd like to provide.
>a. Basic information on PD
>  - symptoms, medication, surgical procedures, etc
>  - links to related medical fields
>b. Frequently Asked Questions about PD
>c. An archive of transcripts from interviews, TV shows, etc as they
>become available
>d. Links to PARKINSN archives via UToronto gopher
>e. **Perhaps** An easy way for interested parties to join the PARKINSN
>list (with permission from Barbara Patterson and UToronto)
>f. An archive of papers from medical journals, etc. as available
>g. Other items suggested by readers like you
>Please let me know what you think about this idea.  If I get enough
>encouragement, I will start programming ASAP and will make acall for papers.
>_Jeffrey S. Kaye
>[log in to unmask]
>Son of a 10+ Parkinsonian mother
Please do it; it too me ages to find this BBS on Telnet but onlyu a minute
or two with a Mosaic browser on WWW.
As there are other people considering doing the same thing can you
co-operate to produce a joint site?
Best wishes
Andrew Wake
Faculty of Education
Central Queensland University
Australia 4700
Phone 079 309694
Fax   079 309604
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