

The flames seem to be dying down to a glowing ember - in the nick of time.  I
was going to leave town and get a new identity - name change, plastic
surgery, wig.   Actually my daughters told me that wasn't necessary and that
simply resigning from this listserve and making a call to AOL requesting a
new computer name and then starting again is the way to go.  I'd miss some
informative posts so I'm glad the tempest in a teapot is over.
My jangled nerves need some R&R so I'm off to Banff Alberta for some snow
sporting and hot tubs.  Be "back to work" in two weeks.
Don't forget my old offer - a gold sovereign for the first person to come up
with a "cure" for Restless Leg Syndrome in people with PD.
Don't forget to watch the segment on pallidotomy tonight at l0 EST.
     Barbara Yacos