

Welcome new subscribers!
Everything ever discussed on the Parkinsn list is in our archives.
Periodically, a file called, "How to find information in Parkinson
Archives by E-mail" is posted on the Parkinsn list.
"How to find information in Parkinson Archives by E-mail" gives
step by step instructions on how to search and get stuff in an easy
to learn manner.
Many of you have learned about the Parkinsn list from friends
or reading the Wall Street Journal article about pallidotomy.
This message gives answers on how to directly use the Parkinsn
archives and get information now while you are "coming up to speed".
Save the following between the Snips to a TXT file on your computer.
You will use this to get answers to your questions by return E-mail
from the [log in to unmask] which is the repository of the
Parkinsn archives. The listserv is a machine untouched by human hands
so don't include anything else in your requests for information.
Send all requests for E-mail to:
[log in to unmask]
In the body of the message paste the following into your message.
//DBlook   JOB   Echo=No
Database Search DD=Rules
//Rules DD *
select * in parkinsn
print all
-------------------------------- Snip --------------------------------------
On the same line as the PRINT ALL (Caps just for emphasis) put the
ITEM#(Caps just for emphasis) or numbers separated by a space.
print all 1955