

On Sat, 11 Mar 1995, Barbara Patterson wrote:
> Since February 22, we have had 146 new members join us.  Many of them, and
> many others who have not joined us (yet), are requesting information......>
Dear Barbara
Your message comfirmed my observations.  Is some handholding in order? I
think it would help. But 146 emails is a bit much, it would be better to
have information in a central location for easy access.
 The pleasure and strength of the list resides in the
variety of views held by the contributors  most  of whom are not medical
professionals --and most of whom know more about Parkinsons  <;-)/
 IMHO a basic understanding of Parkinsons is necessary before patient
and/or family can make  sensible decisions re treatment. The Parkinson
List discussions cannot and should not be their only resource.
I don't know what is available in the USA but here in Canada most
Parkinson organizations have free or inexpensive booklets, hold
educational meetings and send newsletters to members.
Although  postings a few days old  seem not to be noticed by new list
members, I would be willing to re-post the names and addresses of
Canadian information sources from my files.   I remember a recent posting
of US addresses and some  book titles. This would be useful.  We must not
forget the  instructions on searching the archives. They work really
well.  These and  other "how to"  and "PD 101"  postings  could be
repeated or put into a WWW site.
Other views?
Anne Rutherford