

Lurking and Applauding the WWW HOME PAGE and VOLUNTEER effort.
Peter Kidd's Home Page is still rough from my ASCII WWW end.
Volunteered to write the PD+ and PSP pages in HTML.
Barb and gang, I agree that newbies need help. My best ideas:
    1. If the archives could be modified to include new
       files titled PD-INTRO, PALLIDOTOMY, l-DOPA-INTRO, etc.,
       such files could be accessed like the logs are --
       via e-mail GET command: GET log.pd-intro.
       Most of these new logs would be edited from the archived
       postings. Each volunteer need only edit one topic, then
       volunteers (Bonander would send their files to the
       listmanager for this special archiving.
       Upon signup, the subscriber announcement would include
       descriptions of and instructions for e-mail GETting
       these intro/special archives.
    2. I hope that Ken Bernstein's PD HOME PAGE outline/tree
       will be posted for review by PARKINSN participants.
       I feel that a successful home page must be very well
       planned with sufficient keywords for adequate auto-
       indexing by servers. Much of what should be included
       is in our archives. A larger volunteer effort is needed
       to edit all useful topics. I also hope it allows for
       novice/expert selections at every topic.
 |         @..@         A.J. CONOVALOFF                |
 |        (----)        PSP Support Groups of ARIZONA  |
 |       ( >__< )                                      |
 |       ^^ ~~ ^^       [log in to unmask]       |