

My name is Piet Jonker, I'm from the Netherlands, I'm 47 years old
and I have been lurking this list almost from the beginning in 1993.
I was diagnosed with PD in januari 1993, first by my oldest son
(who is a student pharmacy), secondly by the family doctor (she is
very clever) and at last after some expensive tests by a neurologist.
Medication until now Eldepryl 5 mg twice aday; I visit the neurologist
once ayear. My symptoms are tremors on my right side, mainly my hand.
Stiffness, sloweness, problems with writing and so on.
This PD List has been a important information resourse for me and I
would be glad, if I have something interesting, to inform the other
listmembers with my PD experiences.
Best regards,
Piet Jonker
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