

You wrote:
>Greetings, all.
>Regarding the two operations, which is considered better when tremor is
>major symptom?  I am 27 and i have tremor in my left arm and a slight
>tremor beginning in my right.
>Thanks for your help.
Jeffrey:  Thalamotomy is the operation which has a track record of
relieving tremor.  This observation goes back to the sixties and is well
supported in the literature.  The effects are often temporary (a few
years).  This, of course, is assuming that the symptoms are resistant to
the drug therapy.
Robert A. Fink, M. D., F.A.C.S.   Phone: 510-849-2555
Neurological Surgery              FAX:  510-849-2557
2500 Milvia Street  Suite 222
Berkeley, California 94704-2636
E-Mail:  [log in to unmask]
CompuServe:  72303,3442
America Online:  BobFink          "Ex Tristitia Virtus"