

I am 56, "officially" diagnosed with PD when I was 48.  However
began symptoms in 1970.  Have been on Sinemet/Artane & Eldepryl
meds almost 6 years.  Now am taking Sinemet "liquid" orally and I
think it is better than CR but I find it hard to find 2
consecutive days with the same actions and reactions.  Off times
fluctuate and neurologist surprised me with idea to now look into
surgery.  It was a surprise due to her conservative approach in
years past.  Am looking into fetal tissue implant at her
suggestion and Pallidotomy at my "suggestion".  (Also had
seminoma removed 2.5 yrs ago, testicular CA and oncologist is
pleased with recovery, tumor markers good.)  I live in Costa Mesa
California -- about 50 miles from both Loma Linda and Good Sam!
I never expected PD surgery would become a high profile issue and
certainly never thought I would reach a point where surgery was
called for.
As I spent 30 years in the computer industry in a variety of
technical and non-technical jobs, I helped gather support via
computer for the NIH Re-entitlement Bills and veto overrides
during the Bush administration.  We lost each veto override by
slim margins but the new administration quickly corrected things.
We found that the Diabetic Forum on Compuserve was generally very
supportive and gave us some space on their forum.  What a
difference now with a Net Listserver for PD.
The information I have been able to download from the server is
priceless and am doing what I can to get others involved.
Thanks to you all and especially Barbara for the good and timely
Bob Cowan