

Jill Drohan,
I read your letter on PARKINSN network and am also in a similiar situtation.
My father, who is 69 years old, lives in Detroit, was diagnosed with PD 8
years ago.  His mobility, ability to read, and take care of himself have
significantly worsened in the past 4 months.  I have tried, along with a
brother and sister, for the past 10 months, to convince my father to go to
the Barrows Institute in Phoenix (my sister lives in Flagstaff) for a 2nd
opinion and to find out if he is a candidate for pallidotomy.  Unfortunately,
his neurologist has convinced both my father and step-mother that what we are
suggesting is tatamount to a "frontal labotomy".
Instead the neurologist has sugggested that my father adjust to the nursing
home he was admitted into in January.  I'm sure that you wouldn't be
surprised that my father's mental capcities have decreased since then and I am
 concerned that he may also be suffering from depression.  We have been able
to collect encouraging information on pallidotomy and other PD medications
from medical libraries, Am. Park. Assoc. and this network.  Unfortunately,
the neurologist is discouraging the possibillity of all of our suggestions.
The only med. quals. I have read about for pallidotomy are 1) if the PD drugs
are no longer effective and 2) patient does not have major brain damage
("Wall Street Journal" 2-22-95)
At this point we can't wean my father away from his physician for a 2nd opinio
n.  (A physician that convinces a patient not to get a 2nd opinion or an
Independent Medical Exam is reason enough in my book to switch physicians.)
 As a result,  if you are able to gather more specific information on "who"
is a candidate for pallidotomy I would appreciate it if you could send it to
me. I will do the same.  Best of luck to all of you and thanks for your
Kathi Mitchell