

   I joined the network several weeks ago and have been amazed at
the free exchange of ideas and amount of PD information I have
gained from so many different subscribers.  I was diagnosed PD one
year ago based on Carbi-L-Dopa immediatley relieving my 6-S's: slow,
stiff, sore, stooped and short stride.  I am currently doing OK on
5 mg Eldepryl & 1 25/100 Sinemet daily with tremor being my main but
bearable symptom. I retired 5 years ago. P.E. instructor @ Southeast
Mo. Univ. Cape Girardeau.
  Questions: Could there be a connection between liver damage and/or
folic acid deficiency and the onset of my PD? Could there be some
unknown enzyme, chemical, bacteria, critter or whatever lurking in
the liver that has something to do with the metabolism of dopamine
or it's percursors before it reaches the brain?  I pose this question
because I suffered liver damage(temporary, I hope) from taking the
drug NIZORAL (ketoconazole) for a yeast infection and about a month
later the first vague symptoms started with teeny foot tremors and
muscle fasicullations in the calves of both legs.  8 months later
symptoms had worsened and tests were done.  The only positive test
showed a very low folate level which was quickly reversed with folic
acid tablets (B-12 level was OK.)  Diagnosis at that time was RLS.
Symptoms continued to worsen to my forementioned 6-S's; a total
3 years before the neurologist agreed with me that I had PD.
Margaret Mates  C311edh@SEMOVM