

    Thank you, all you people out there who are taking the time to
offer suggestions and support!  Your remarks have clarified a number
of issues and helped me to persist!
    We HAVE a number of committed faculty members at a grassroots
level.  Some we have worked with individually(on course syllabi,etc.)
over a period of ten years.  Others(12 last year, 20 this year) have
attended workshops.  The problem is that none of these people is on
the Senate or the Academic Planning and Resources Committee(the most
powerful group that just tried to "do us in"). The Vice President is
with us (I think), but he chairs the committee(and believes in
democracy?).  The three deans --what can I say?  Let's just say we
have tried to get their attention, but they are ever so important.
    I agree with Cathy, Doug and others that WAC needs a "home".
Although we have had strong support and respect from faculty for ten
years, the Writing Lab, which is providing leadership for WAC, is
under Student Services; therefore we have no political clout, no one
to "raise hell" ("ancillary services " like parking and catering--
thanks for those, folks!).  That is precisely why we have made all
these proposals--to the VP, the Senate, etc.-- proposals that seem to
be backfiring right now.  But thanks to you guys out there, we are
not giving up.