

Does this student really want an MA in technical writing?  Or does he
really want a job as a technical writer?  If he really wants a job as a
technical writer then I would suggest that he take one of the intense
courses offered in the community collegs--or he might check out the Print
Futures program that Diana Wegner is involved in--out in BC.
AT Waterloo, we offer a MA in Language and Professional Writing. Our
graduate students do get some technical writing experience via Co-op ,
but most already have extensive technical writing experience because of
our undergraduate program (and because Co-op also exists at the undergrad
CAthy Schryer
On Sat, 22 Apr 1995, Doug Brent wrote:
> I have a student inquiring about an MA in technical writing.  I know that
> Waterloo does this--does anybody a=else?
> Also, he doesn't have an English degree.  He has a major in PoliSci and a
> minor in Communications Studies.  Obviously this poses some problem, but
> how much?
> Thanks for any input.
> Doug