

Attched is a copy of a letter I sent to Senator Hatfield.  Now  is
the time for us to flood our legislators with mail.  Our local
Paarkinson's Chapter is recommending that you not  only write your
legislators but that you wrirte all your friends and relatives
throughout  the country and ask them to write; and ask them to ask
their friends.  Sort of a Parkinson's Chain letter.
The  Honorable Senator  Mark Hatfield,
I wish  I were a more eloquent word smith so that I may better describe the
 range of emotions elicited by
 the Morris K. Udall ParkinsonAEs Research, Education, and Assistance Act  you
 are reintroducing this week.
  First there is the joy of hope - hope(conviction) that this legislation will
 be the added impedance that results
 in the swift discovery of a cure for this disease which I and millions of
 others suffer from.  Frustration and
 despair at the pace of  this legislative process and the specter that this
 legislation may become sidetracked
 by other priorities or agendas.  For us that have ParkinsonAEs Disease the
 clock is ticking.
I hope that you might be successful in elevating this legislation above the day
 to day politics and pass this
 legislation swiftly as is deserving of such a noble cause.  The fact that our
 doctors and scientists feel a cure
 is near should only add to the urgency.   How cruel it is to know a cure is
 close at hand but may  not be
 achieved for want of relatively modest funding while every night multi-million
 dollar boondoggles are discussed
 on the evening news.  Where is our sense of priorities ?
While hoping that Morris K. Udall ParkinsonAEs Research, Education, and
 Assistance Act  might indeed be swept
 into law my more pragmatic side puts forth more reasoned justification.  What
 successful business would not
 invest $200 million per year for the short term to eliminate $6 billion per
 year in society costs?  I do not believe
 the American people in their mandate for change want slash and burn budget
 cutting.  The vast majority of
Americans would be pleased if our government were described as cost effect
 rather than some of the  descriptors
 currently applied.  This legislation is cost effective!
Thank you for your leadership in this noble cause.
                                                                James Thomas Cordy