

>From: judith guttman <[log in to unmask]>
Message-Id: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re:      Re: re medications
I trust Worst Pills Best Pills because its writers do not
benefit from the drug industry (unlike most physicians and
many drug reference books).<
I would like to know how I benefit from the drug industry other than the help
they give me by given samples to give to my patients that cannot affords
their medications.
This is exactly the attitude that is taken in the book 'Wost Pills, Best
Pills', and it was written with a not so thinly veiled anti-physician slant.
 Please know that we are not against our patients, nor are we as ignorant as
you might think.  Any neurologist worth his or her 'salt' would be glad to
put his/her credentials up against a pharmacist that has only taken four to
six years of his/her life to train.
Dr S