

Hi.  Just a reminder.  When you reply to a message and include that
message in your own, please delete the line addressing the list.  The
listserver spots that line and sends it to me as an error message.  Barb
> Date:          Mon, 3 Apr 1995 12:25:32 EDT
> From:          Jim Cordy <[log in to unmask]>
> Organization:  Dept. of Neuroscience
> Subject:       Hatfield reintros Udall Bill
> Below is a copy of a letter which I sent to Senator Hatfield.  He is
> supposed to reintroducr the Udall Bill on April 6.  I enccourage
> anyone who is affected by Parkinsond to wriite their Congressmen and
> Senators.
I did not find a copy of the letter. I'm new at this so it may be my
goof.  Please resend letter or let me know how to get it. Thanks.>