

 Sometimes we lose sight of our goals.
 My goal is to do my part, small as it may be, to bring about a cure for
Parkinson's.  Cooperation between, and ultimately unification of, national
Parkinson's organizations in the U.S. should bring us closer to a cure.  I
think we can all help by keeping up the pressure.
 I am involved with the Parkinson's Unity Walk because I think it is a step
in the right direction.  It is worthwhile for greater public awareness, but
it is also helpful for awareness within the Parkinson's community. We must do
a better job at working together.
 Every day there are messages on this bulletin board about persons of all
ages newly diagnosed with PD and children and spouses of those with PD who
want to help.  Few of us are qualified to do research, but all of us can
lobby for increased funding and push for greater cooperation.
 It is important to maintain a constructive dialogue regarding unity that
emphasizes creative solutions to an unsatisfactory state of affairs.  Any
suggestions?  I'll start a list...
 1)  Mention unity and cooperation every time you have contact with a member
of a national Parkinson's organization.
Ken Aidekman