

After reading about your experience with melatonin, I went out and bought
some, but decided to check with my doctor before taking it.  He had a couple
of students do a literature search, and then called me back telling me not to
take it because it would interfere with my pd medications.
While visiting my mother in NJ, I noticed that she, too, was an insomniac,
waking between 3 and 4 AM., and, what was worse, she expected me to keep her
company!  So guess what?  I whipped out my melatonin and gave her some - and
 only 3 mg. did the trick.  I checked with her pharmacist first to avoid any
adverse interactions with her medication.  She said there was no reason she
shouldn't take it, and if it worked she'd like to know and she'd give it to
her mom!  I'm always looking for good examples to illustrate serendipity to
my students, and you supplied me with a good one.  Even though I couldn't
take the melatonin, giving it to Mom at least gave me some peace and quiet.