

Thalamotomy has a longer track record. It's a great operation for disabling
tremor but does not really do anything for the other symptoms of Parkinson's
disease. There are risks (with an incidence of 4.8 percent in my personal
experience). These include hypokinetic dysarthria (imprecision of speach),
apraxia of the treated arm (clumbsiness or disuse), bleeding (less than 1/2 of
1 percent of the cases) and paralysis (from mild to severe of the side opposite
the procedure) which happens very rarely (less than 1 percent of the time.)
With awell selected patients and careful technique it is a good and safe
operation-but only for tremor.
PJ Kelly
\   Patrick Kelly, MD   \  Internet: [log in to unmask]  \
\   NYU Medical Center  \  Phone: (212)-263-8002               \
\   New York, N Y       \                                      \
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