

The Adaptable Home
Better Homes and Gardens, October 1994
A House for All Ages And Abilities
Building a home that is friendly and convenient for people of all ages and
different degrees of health may be one of the smartest investments you can
make with your home buying dollars.
Why?  Because one in every three Americans will develop special housing needs
in his or her lifetime.  Building the right features now will add little to
your overall cost, but can spare you many costly remodeling of an even more
expensive move to a nursing home later on.
Some of the most beneficial details you should look for in an adaptable house
Lever handles on doors and faucets
Round knobs can be impossible to grasp or turn if you suffer from arthritis
or an injured hand or wrist, if your arms are full, or if you're just tyke.
 Levers can be operated with little effort.
Height-adjustable showers
These and adjustable soap dishes serve everybody well, from the wheelchair
user to people who need to sit when bathing, to that 6-foot 10-inch family
basketball star.
Lower light switches
By placing switches, fuse boxes, and thermostats at 48 inches, you bring them
within reach of wheelchair users and kids.
Reinforced bath walls
Installed during framing, a simple 2x4 brace for a grab bar in your bath wall
can save you from having to pay for installation later.
Eliminate level changes.
Sunken living rooms and other level changes can stop a wheelchair cold and
can even cause a fall.
Wide doors and halls.
Doors should be a minimum of 34 inches, hallways 42 inches.   This not only
gives you access for wheelchairs and walkers, but makes moving furniture or
any bulky object easier.
Eight-foot-high garage doors.
Taller garage doors allow wheelchair vans to get in and out, and a wider
garage also makes climbing in and out of the car easier for everybody.
Single-story living.
For some elderly people and many people with injuries, stairs can be
impossible to negotiate.  Your best option is to build a single-story home.
  If that's out of the question build a house with everything you need on the
entry level.
High-density, low-pile carpets.
These are less likely to trip you, less likely to cause you to lose your
balance with soft footing, and much easier to roll a wheelchair across.
Flat thresholds.
By flattening the sill of a doorway, you eliminate a bump that can trip
anyone and give wheelchair users a lot of trouble.
Raised work areas.
Bending and stooping can be largely eliminated by keeping certain surfaces
off the  floor, or higher than normal.   Raised fireplace hearths and raised
garden beds can save your back a lot of strain, as can 36-inch-high bathroom
counter tops.
Contrast wall and floor colors.
When the walls and floors are the same color, people with vision problems
have a hard time seeing where the two meet.  Sharply contrasting surfaces
helps to define the spaces and prevents stumbling.
For wheelchair mobility, keep aisles and work triangles extra wide.  By
lowering your cooking surface, you make lifting pots and pans easier for
everyone.  Side-by-side refrigerators with bins and pull-out shelves offer
the best accessibility.
Leave room for wheelchair negotiation.  A large walk-in shower with a flat
threshold is convenient even if you don't use a wheelchair or walker.  Hot
water sensors prevent scalding.