

I thought it was simply the lack of difinitive rersponsibility since
retiring from work, but I seem to easily get distracted.  This note for
instanse is being written when I sat down at the PC to work on Finances.  I
have allways had a hard time finishing activities.  I attributed this to my
inqusitive nature. Having essentially found the answer I want to move on
not dotting Is or crossing Ts.  I'm still not sure whether these tendencies
are PD or personality. I'll keep your comments in mind and ask some of the
people in the neuroscience Dept at Pitt.
With re to concentration I still have good capabilities.  Although
sometimes my mind becomes boggled and I have to walk away from the mental
work and do something more physical for awhile.  This typically occurrs
only after hours of concentration or when I'm tired.
Trying to seperate PD from personal traites and getting older seems a
touugh bet