

Hi Julie.  You are doing research in an area of great interest to me.  In
fact, I attended a symposium this weekend sponsored by the Foundation for
Human Potential on "Sports, Dance, Movement, and the Brain."  There were
fascinating presentations by dancers and athletes, as well as neurologists.
Language and disturbances in language were discussed at length.  The
organizer of the conference is, herself a speech pathologist doing
nerological research.
      My interest is in how people can find alternate neural pathways through
doing unaccustomed, but perhaps related activities particularly right brain
functions to help compensate for left brain losses.  If you are interested, I
cams send you a fax or copy or the program this weekend, as well as
       Nothing conclusive came out of the conference, but there is much one
can infer, and I am more convinced than ever that the affects have to be
reqruited to motivate the patient to work at concentration and focus.  Let me
know  if  you want me to send you anything.Claudia Elliott