

Dear Mr. Lee,
         I hope that in your attempt to analyze the video  *NEW HOPE FOR
PARKINSON S DISEASE* , you didn t miss the incredible hope offered to fellow
sufferers of Parkinsons.  The video was produced with the intention of helping
Parkinson s patients open their eyes and see that there were some other
alternatives to passively accepting the prognosis of a steadily declining life
bogged down in the mire of medications as the only option for treatment.
        Concerning your first point.  There were three medical students present
behind the camera.  Dr. Iacono s comment,  I am teaching my students  was not
only real, but indicative of Dr. Iacono s whole approach.  He is a teacher.
        Second, the laughter in the hall was in response to several comments I
made which were admiringly hard to discern on the video.  I have always believed
that a sense of humor is one of God s gifts to us in dealing with Parkinsons.
Hence, I am truly sorry if you found the laughter to be insulting and in poor
        Third, although the entire three and a half hour surgical procedure was
filmed the necessity of editing to fit the half hour time frame did not do
justice to the procedure for those wanting more details.  Electric current is
used in helping the doctor locate the probe in the exact position for the
lesion, then heat is applied to the end of the probe to create the lesion.  I am
not sure where in the WSJ article you got the impression that a solution is used
to create the lesion, but this is definitely not the case.
        Fourth, Dr. Iacono s comment,  I think it is a very good time to have
Parkinson s disease,  when I say that I am not being smart or cruel or anything.
If you have it now it shouldn t be a problem for you.  It s almost a beaten
        He is referring to *time* from the perspective of if you have to have
Parkinsons now is a time that offers the most promise.  As far as being a
discouragement to research I would argue that the opposite is true.  *Almost*
means we re very close so let s press on to obtain the final victory.
        Thanks for purchasing the video.  I hope you will share it with other
Parkinson s sufferers as so many others have done.
Copies of the 30 minute documentary of the same procedure shown on Prime Time
Live (different patient) can be ordered by sending $24.95 to
        33 ORIOLE LANE
        LAKE OSWEGO, OR  97035
Dr. Don Berns
4943 Del Monte Rd.
La Canada, CA 91011
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