

posting found by me that might be of interest:
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 4 of newly published book,
Melatonin: Nature's Sleeping Pill, by Ray Sahelian, M.D. ISBN
0-9639755-7-9. Available (or can be ordered) from any bookstore or CERI.
        The pineal gland communicates with every cell of the body through
its primary hormone, melatonin.  Most hormones need a receptor on the cell
membrane before they can enter the cell. Not so for melatonin.  As the
pineal gland releases melatonin, it quickly goes into the local bloodstream
and then to the rest of the body's blood circulation.  From there,
melatonin finds its way to every body fluid and tissue.  Melatonin has the
unusual capacity to easily permeate into tissues and enter practically
every cell of the body. When melatonin enters the cells, it can go directly
to the DNA. Researchers speculate that the amount of melatonin reaching the
DNA of every cell informs it as to which proteins to make. The November
1994 Journal of Biological Chemistry reported that researchers Becker-Andre
and colleagues found a specific receptor for melatonin right in the nucleus
of cells. They conclude, "A nuclear signaling pathway for melatonin may
contribute to some of the diverse and profound effects of this hormone."
        During infancy and childhood there is a high level of melatonin
reaching every cell. This high level lets the cells know that the organism
is young. The amount of melatonin released each night is reduced in adults
and reduced even more in old age. Therefore, as we advance in years, a
lesser melatonin amount reaches the DNA in our cells. Some researchers
(Kloeden, 1993) think the pineal gland functions as the "aging clock."
        The decline of melatonin levels informs all cells of the body's
age--i.e. it's time to call it quits, call a lawyer to write a living will,
and make the first down payment on a cemetery plot (or cryonics
arrangements for futurists). Melatonin supplementation could trick the DNA
into thinking, "Maybe I miscalculated. I must be younger than I thought."
        Melatonin: Nature's Sleeping Pill can also be ordered by calling
Ron  <[log in to unmask]> Ronald F. Vetter