

Dear Stacey:
Welcome to the network.  It has helped me a lot, and I think it will help
you too.  We live in Oakland, just off Broadway Terrace, near the Warren
Freeway, and I work on the Berkeley campus, so we are even close enough for
a chat face-to-face.  We also have a young friend at GTU now working on a
Master's degree.  You might run into him on some occasion.
But as for your particular situation, it sounds as if your father is where
my husband was about five years ago.  Things change over time.  My husband's
diagnosis was in early 1985, though symptom were manifest long before; we
just didn't pay close enough attention to understand the problem was
neurological.  As a professor, we just assumed he was out of shape from the
scholarly life!
The falling and ons and offs are all familiar.  We have found less falling
with a slight modification of medication, i.e., less sinemet and more
permax.  On the other hand, right now we are having a lot of trouble with
rigidity, and won't see the neurologist for a change in medication for
another two weeks.  I don't think we can wait much longer, because the late
night stiffness is more than I can handle, simply from a leveraging and
lifting perspective.
Please call me if you wish.  My particulars are below for my campus address.
My home is 652-7966.  I'd be pleased to meet you in person.
>Hi all,
>My name is Stacey Grossman and I am new to the PD list (and very happy to
>have found it!) I am a woman studying for the priesthood in the Episcopal
>Church ;I
>currently live in Berkeley, California.
>My father was diagnosed with PD six years ago; his condition has gradually
>deteriorated with PD having had a particularly great effect on his vocal
>capabilities. He has begun to fall quite regularly which is very frightening
>for me as it seems to signal a new phase in his illness.
>My mother continues to be in denial about my father's condition, so
>caregiving is one of the areas I am particularly concerned about. I will read
>all of the mail from this list with interest.
>Stacey Grossman
Mrs. Karin M. Beros, MSO                     [log in to unmask]
International and Area Studies               voice:  (510) 642-8542
Office of the Dean, 260 Stephens Hall        fax:    (510) 642-9466
Mail Code 2300