

Hi, I think i've evolvede a fairly original way of taking my PD medication
(Sinemet 25/100), and I would like  your comments and reactions. My doctor
prescribed my meds be taken 4 times daily, after breakfast, lunch, supper
and before bed.  I have found that I am best off taking my meds on an as
needed basis. This means that if my job requires that I sit for a few hours
and type, I don't need medication.  But if I am active, walking around,
giving a talk, etc. I take my medication about an hour before the busy
period.My main symptoms, after 8 years of PD, are a marked tremor in one
hand, a stumbling walk, and voice problems.  So if I'm going tothe movies or
theatre for a few hours it makes no sense to take the medication. But  if
i'm going togive a one hour talk I need my symptoms to be reduced by the
Sinemet.  So far my "as needed" approach seems to be working out.  This also
means that on many days i need less Sinemet,  Sometimes I get throiugh a day
with only 2 pills or 3. I would likemyfellow pPD friends to give me their
reaction and let me know if you have ever tried this approach.
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