

Alan Bonander--this is in response to the message you sent re: Peter's
pattern of meds. You stated "the reason P. is non-functtional in the a.m
is his meds....suffice it to say that....P. does not do a startup."
We don't understand what you mean by a "startup". What he does is to
rise at about 6:30 or 7:00 and take the first Scr along with Prozac and Proscar
and then return to bed for as much as an hour before rising to eat breakfast.
What is your comment about this is relation to a.m. slowness? He then takes
Scr at four hour intervals (but sometimes forgets ad is late with a dose, with
no *discernable* effect), being careful to take them at least 1/2 hour
before lunch and dinner. Fourth dose is at bedtime, which may be ll p.m. or
even later.  Comments are welcome, if this connects with your experience.
Thanks-- Camilla and Peter Flintermann