

Hi--I'm Jo Janet Dean, a physics/engineering librarian at the Phillips Lab
Technical Library, Kirtland AFB, NM.  My mother was diagnosed last year with
PD and it has changed all of our lives.  The worst part was that it took many
doctors AGES to determine what was the matter and by then she was really bad.
She's on levadopa now and doing better but I've  learned that won't last
forever and the drug itself may cause other side effects after awhile.  I just
want to learn all I can so when I found this on the www I thought it may add
to what I've learned from the local university medical library and from
searching Medline and the Health Periodicals Index in Dialog.  Any comments
will be greatly appreciated.  My phone at home is 505/268-9355 and my work
number is 505/846-4769.  Email is [log in to unmask]  Fax at work is
505/846-1194.  Thanks for "listening" and for being out there.  JJD.