

Dear Karin - Sinemet (carbidopa/levadopa) comes in three strengths:  10/100
(blue) - 25/100 (yellow) - 25/250 (blue or purple?)
Most patients under age 70 need 75 to l00 mg carbidopa daily for the levadopa
to work best.
Patients over 70 often need much less carbidopa daily so l0/100 Sinemet tabs
make it easier to titrate.
Sinemet CR (controlled release) is another kettle of fish.  There are two CR
tablet strengths:  50/200 (beigh) scored, and a new junior size 25/100
(beigh) unscored.  In my opinion the jury is still out on the relatively new
People differ but generally Sinemet (carbidopa/levadopa) starts to lose its
good effects after about 3-5 years.  PD symptoms worsen and more medication
is needed.
Levadopa is NOT a cure and it cannot halt the slow progression of the
underlying disease, but it is the most effective therapy we have at present.
 I just hope the scientists come up with a more stable and efficient form of
replacement with less untoward effects.  Soon!  Like tomorrow!  I am
beginning to see "thingys" in my peripheral vision and yet can't cut back on
Sinemet to any less than a total levadopa of 400 mg in 24 hours. I take half
of a 25/100 yellow Sinemet every 3-4 hours which just barely covers the
spasmotic jerking and pains of restless leg syndrome.
Barbara Yacos
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