

Dear Friends,
It has been a while since I wrote you last.
1) At least some of you have heard of dissolving Sinemet in
gigerale as a pick-me-up between regular doses. Before her
March 1, bilateral pallidotomy, Aviva found this only helped
marginally. Now, however, she finds it helps very much. For
instance, if she forgets to take her regular (not CR) Sinemet
(250 mg) at the appointed hour and wakes up to this fact say
an hour late, she finds her Sinemet Fizz (I call it the
Aviva fizz) kicks in after only 10 minutes and carries her
nicely until her hour late pill takes over. Aviva just wanted
to let you know of this post-pallidotomy discovery of hers.
She dissolves a quarter of a pill in about one cup of pop
and sips as required. By the way, we received this idea last
summer from Dr. Iacono through Tony Schoonenberg. Both have been
generous with advice and guidance both before and after surgery.
2) Aviva update: Now, 2.5 months after surgery, Aviva continues
to improve and gain strength with the help of physiotherapy. Her
balance has improved and her gait is almost normal! She walks
one mile every day and has recently begun driving again.
3) We were told by TIME magazine that an article on Aviva with
photos (perhaps including me) will be coming out in Monday's
edition in the framework of an article called "Medicine Online."
If it does come out, we'd like to share the text with those who
miss the article including people on this list but we don't have
a scanner. Can anyone help? Thanks.
David S. Devor
Project Mind Foundation