

Dear Friends:
My father has Type B  PD and has been diagnosed for about two years.
For some time, of course, we knew something was very wrong but did not
know what.  Having been a bit of a female "jock" most of my life I
was particularly devastated at the thought of my Dad, whom I love
dearly, coping with all the physical changes.  The hardest thing for
him, I think, was loosing his beautiful baritone signing voice, which
he used actively all his life.
I have recently moved back to Vancouver Island where my parents live,
too, and have had a chance to spend time with them and observe the
effects of PD on my Dad first hand.  My observations are almost
identical to Alessandra's in that my Dad seems to have lost interest in
anything except his PD, although his physical symptoms are no where
near as severe as before he was diagnosed and medicated.  He was a
professional man (engineer) before he retired a few years ago and has lost
interest in anything except his condition.
One of the few things that has sparked any interest (except TV) was
reading letters I printed for him from this group.  I told him how
inspirational they have been for me in the short time I have been on
the Net and tried to talk him in to joining the group.
Mom and Dad are scheduled to drive to Alberta next month. This road trip is
another major crisis in that he feels he cannot travel because
he will be away from his doctor.  It is true that he has a hernia in
addition to PD, but even if he had bowel problems, he will never be far from a
hospital and his own doctor is not always available where he is.
Even though his doctor has told him he can travel, he still uses his
medical condition as a reason for staying home all the time and "dropping out".
To a caring family this situation is MOST upsetting and depressing.  I am hoping
he will join this group upon return from visiting my brother  (IF he
goes) and maybe that will give him a chance to express his fears and
concerns. (Not being able to I think is part of his problem.)  I know that he
is taking some of this group's ideas to the next PD meeting to share
and to see what interest there is in participating.  I am hoping and praying
that this will give him a goal/reason/motivation, whatever you call it and help
lift him out of his depression to some extent.  Sharing your inspirational lette
with him I think has already helped.
In any case, thank you all for "listening" and take care of
yourselves. This is such a wonderful forum and I have been so
impressed with the courage and caring of the people who participate.