

My name is Sonia Lukich and I have been following this list off and on for a
couple of months wondering whether or not I should join.  I have been
printing off segments of this ongoing discussion and sharing them with my
father, who is having a hard time coping with the fact that he has
Parkinson's.  My father is 57 years old and has had Parkinson's for about six
or seven years.  I did not find out that he had it until a few years after
he'd been diagnosed and as a result feel like I'm a little behind in getting
to know about Parkinson's.
It has been very helpful to me to read about circumstances and symptoms from
people in this discussion that echo what I see in my father.
I am not sure what stage of PD he is in, but he has the characteristic hushed
speaking voice and slightly stooped posture but does not have a marked
resting tremor.  Instead, his movements are slow and he shuffles his feet
when he walks.  He is experimenting (on his own) with the dosage of Sinemet
he takes, preferring the slowness (I think) to the Dsykenesias.  He was
previously a very gregarious and social person and is now very quiet and
introverted.  This is very distressing to me and I've encouraged him to
excercise-- whether it be Yoga, Tai-Chi or doing weights at the gym.   I
strongly believe that this will help his self esteem and general emotional
health as well as his pyhsical health.  My hosnest opinion is that he is
deeply embarrassed by the Dyskenesias.  He has always been a very athletic
person and though I have noticed some muscle atrophy, he is still quite
strong and has retained a good deal of muscle mass.  I'm afraid I am rambling
but I am so excited to get the opportunity to shed light on something that
means much to me.
I would appreciate any comments, questions or suggestions you may have as I
am floundering out here, not sure what to do next to help my father help
himself.  He seems to be looking to me for some help and I want very much to
help him and understand as best I can what he is experiencing.  Thanks for
listening .
Sonia Lukich ([log in to unmask])