

Dear Sonia--you didn't say where your father lives--it is possible there
may be a PD Support group in his area, and this would provide an outlet
for socialization where he need not be embarrassed, as well as a source of
info and support. Ours, and several others I know of, meet at Senior
Centers, so that might be a place to check.  Also, the Nat'l Parkinson
Foundation in Miami has several 800 numbers. In Florida, 1-800-433-7022,
in California, 1-800-400-8448,in the rest of the US and Canada, 1-800-327-4545.
A call will put you and/or him on their mailing list for their excellent
NPF Parkinson Report, pub. quarterly, and also you would receive a packet of
useful pamphlets. A good resource. What you refer to as embarrasment may also
be depression, which is very common with PD.  My husband takes Prozac, which he
feels lightens his mood a bit. I assume your father sees a knowlegable neurolog
ist.  He's lucky to have your love and concern-- carry on---
Camilla Flintermann, Oxford, OH