

I received an article from the Washington Post from my friend in DC about the
successful fetal transplant you mentioned.  I'll bring it to the Forum to
show you if you're able to come.  The facts are as you state them: a man
received a fetal transplant and died a few months later of a supposedly
unrelated blood clot.  When they autopsied his brain, they found that the new
cells had "bonded seamlessly" with the old; in effect, they were doing what
they were supposed to do.
By the way, they used only 50 fetuses instead of the usual 80.
My immediate reaction was that this could be the kiss of death for the Udall
bill.  I know if my senators and representatives have the slightest suspicion
that the funding for research might be used for fetal transplants, they'll
never go for it.  That's a political hot potato nobody wants to touch because
it's no-win situation.
On a lighter note, we had our pd walk-a-thon Saturday, and some friends were
teasing me about getting a pig brain transplant.  I said the thought of
having a pig's brain inside my head wasn't too appealing.  They wondered
whether I would say "oink" all the time, and I said I'd probably have even
more trouble controlling my appetite!
Hope to see you next week.