

As a young PD-er, I find that this list is a a fantastic resource.  I was
very glad to see authoratative information being contributed by Joe Irr of
DuPont Pharma. Kudos to Joe for participating!
Here's my question about Sinemet CR:
Thanks to a previous exchange, I now understand that the formulation of the
tablet plays a role in the "CR" aspect so it makes sense not to grind one up.
But the tablet I normally take is scored to make it esy to cut in half. Isn't
the intent of this to allow one to take a half dose?
When I told my neurologist that I would sometimes take a half tablet because
it's all I felt I needed, he immediately prescribed the "junior" size for
that purpose and admonished me about messing up the the time-release aspect
by cutting the tablet in half.
What is the proper way to take a "half dose" of Sinemet CR?