

To you who wondered if someone knew of research on amantadine.
If there is new research on this drug that's a surprise to me as amantadine
has been around as a protective against viral influenza and shingles since
l966.  In l968 a parkinsonian who began to take it for viral protection told
her doctor that she felt more mobile.  Trials were done which confirmed this
patient's opinion.  In the trials  modest improvement in tremor, stiffness
and slowness was noted.  The benefits waned  after a few months.
I  don't think anyone really  knows how amantadine works for PD symptoms.  It
is somewhat more potent than anticholinergic drugs but benefits don't last as
long.  Untoward effects include swelling of ankles and a marbled purple
discoloration of the skin of legs and feet, confusion, hallucinations.., dry
mouth, and of course.....constipation.
Barbara Yacos, R.N.
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