

Thanks for Barb Yaco's reminder of the seriousness of constipation for PD's.
While some folks are uncomfortable talking about this subject ( never mind
the ever present ads on TV !!) we all have benefitted from the willingness
of Donna Dorros to share the facts about the death from constipation of her
famous PD husband, Sidney Dorros. In our family, we are well aware of the
seriousness of this problem, and have worked to inform our doctors as well.
Donna Dossos' message "CONSTIPATION CAN BE DEADLY"  is very important. We
understand that recent research shows the intestinal tract to have its share
of dopamine receptors, which are affected in PD like those in the brain.
This explains why constipation is a more serious problem for PD's. Prunes
won't do it!  :-(  If folks have wisdom to share on this subject, I would
encourage them to do so.
Camilla Flintermann, Oxford,OH