

When I replied to 'Summerwind's' first message, I was automatically
supplied with an anonymous id by the server.  Today, I finally sent for
the 'help' information on this service.  Part of the information sent me
'Security:  .....there is no way to protect users from mailicius
administrators.  You have to trust my personal integrity.  Worse, you
have to trust the administrators on every mail routing machine on the
way, as the message only becomes anonymous once it reaches my machine."
I asked the server to remove my anonymous id.  If anyone wants to
continue (start) the discussion on parkinson's effect on sex and doesn't
want to be identified, I will volunteer to remove all identification from
the message and forward it to the list...make sure you send it to me and
not the list.  But, again, email may be personal but it is NOT private.
As I have said before 'if you don't want to see it on the 6 o'clock news,
don't send it email.