

Lee:  About every three months I ask the same questions here and other BB's
re marijuana and not a word is heard.  I know that it is used by some cancer
patients to stop nausea whilst  taking chemotherapy.  I have heard of people
with MS taking it for painful muscle spasms.  I think it would work for
dystonia and painful spasmotic jerks of Restless Leg Syndrome.  I don't know
why these questions arn't answered.  If I asked about morphine or demerol I'd
get anwers.  Why run scared re marijuana?  If I had glaucoma doctors have a
legal thingy that protects them for marijuana treatment.  Don't PD people
have rights to answers? and if it works I want it.
If I find a way or someone comes forward or a research group wants me to
enter a test I'll let all know.  In the meantime if anyone reads or hears
anything please let me know......granny pothead.
Barbara Yacos, R.N.
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