

Dear Barbara:
Thanks very much indeed for the word on 10/100 sinemet.  When my husband's
disease became "brittle" as the neurologist put it, with lots of hyper
activity, based on sinemet overdose, the neurologist cut back on sinemet and
replaced with permax.  Now my husband takes one sinemet 50/250 (beige) at
8:30am; within half an hour he's turned on and can talk again.  At the same
time he takes two green permaxes (can't remember dosage but I think it's .25
mg each) and an eldepryl.  At 11:30am it's half a 25/100 (yellow) regular
sinemet; same again at 2:30pm, 4:30pm, and 6:30pm.  But at 2:30 he also gets
four .25 mg permax (green again) and an eldepryl.  At 6:30pm, it's another
three .25 mg permax greenies.   These carry him just fine into the evening,
but by 9:30pm he's "off" until the next morning.  This late evening and
nighttime rigidity has been a problem, so we might consider with the next
neurologist visit (this week) using a little more sinemet in the nighttime
to help with the rigidity.  He can't turn over alone, and I'm also losing
sleep trying to help.
>Dear Karin - Sinemet (carbidopa/levadopa) comes in three strengths:  10/100
>(blue) - 25/100 (yellow) - 25/250 (blue or purple?)
>Most patients under age 70 need 75 to l00 mg carbidopa daily for the levadopa
>to work best.
>Patients over 70 often need much less carbidopa daily so l0/100 Sinemet tabs
>make it easier to titrate.
>Sinemet CR (controlled release) is another kettle of fish.  There are two CR
>tablet strengths:  50/200 (beigh) scored, and a new junior size 25/100
>(beigh) unscored.  In my opinion the jury is still out on the relatively new
>People differ but generally Sinemet (carbidopa/levadopa) starts to lose its
>good effects after about 3-5 years.  PD symptoms worsen and more medication
>is needed.
>Levadopa is NOT a cure and it cannot halt the slow progression of the
>underlying disease, but it is the most effective therapy we have at present.
> I just hope the scientists come up with a more stable and efficient form of
>replacement with less untoward effects.  Soon!  Like tomorrow!  I am
>beginning to see "thingys" in my peripheral vision and yet can't cut back on
>Sinemet to any less than a total levadopa of 400 mg in 24 hours. I take half
>of a 25/100 yellow Sinemet every 3-4 hours which just barely covers the
>spasmotic jerking and pains of restless leg syndrome.
>Barbara Yacos
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Mrs. Karin M. Beros, MSO                     [log in to unmask]
International and Area Studies               voice:  (510) 642-8542
Office of the Dean, 260 Stephens Hall        fax:    (510) 642-9466
Mail Code 2300