

In response to the questtion about the drug Artane.  I have been on the drug
for about 20 yrears and have only expierenced the normal side effects of dry
mouth, I have little or no tremor to speak of.  In combination with my other
Parkinson's medications Parlodel,Sinemet 25/100  and Sinemet CR, Amantadine,
it improves the rigidity factor of my Parkinson's.  I have had only one
problem and that was about 5 years ago when I changed doctors and that was
very traumatic.  The doctor decided that he was going to take Artane away
from me and he did it by cutting me off cold turkey.  I told him that it
should be done in a slow manner but he was adimante that he was correct. Well
to make a long  story short I ended up in the hospital totally rigid and
spent almost a week getting back to where I was before. He couldn't figure
out why it happened.  It doesn't take a geneious to figure out why.   To say
the least he isn't my doctor any more. I guess I should accept partial
responsibility for the situation but normally the doctor should know what he
is doing.  I hope that this incident will be helpfull to someone on this list
who ask the question  about Artane.
Russell Ahlstrom
 ( Ihave had Parkinson's for 30 years being diagnosed at age 21.  I am now 51
years of age.
Director /  Parkinson's Education Program
Mankato MN