

 Regarding the chest pressure: if all other tests are normal, have
 your Mom checked for H Pylori. A simple test can tell whether or
 not she has this nasty bacteria that can cause a wide range of
 symptoms...from chest pressure, to abdominal pain, to nausea, to
 ulcers (over 90% of tested ulcer patients had  H. Pylori), to MANY
 other symptoms. If the test is positive, a 3 week course of anti-
 biotics should take care of it.
 H Pylori has only been recognized for a few years, and not all
 doctors test for it. I got lucky, and a doctor that was involved
 in my treatment suggested we try testing for that right after he
 said that there was nothing he could find or do for me. The test
 was positive, I went on the antibiotics, and I got my life back.
 (BTW, I don't have PD...I'm here for my Dad)
 Good luck!