

Dear Lenny,
        Sorry to hear about your mom's problems.  My questions are the following
        1.  Has she ever taken Nitroglycerin tabs during these episodes
        and do they relieve the pressure?  (A cardiac workup without a
        stress test would not find cardiovascular disease).
        2.  Has she ever been tested for hiatel hernia?  Has she had a
        CAT scan to rule out abdominal disease?
        The fact that enemas relieve her sypmtoms may indicate that she
has a distended colon that can cause chest discomfort.  Also gallbladder
disease can cause similar discomfort, but the classic culprit outside of
heart problems for chest discomfort is esophogeal distention or reflux.
        I'm not trying to diagnose your mom's problems, just looking for clues.
Mary Ann Ryan