

I recently attended the Parkinson's Advocacy Forum.  A three word
description woulld be exhausting, enlightening, inspiriational.  Our
immediate goal is t o pass the Udall Bill.  Amoung other things this
legislation would raise Parkinson's Disease funding from $26 million
to $100 million per year.  With breakthroughs looming on several
fronts, this infusion of funds could dramatically aid this research.
To do this we need to get half the Congressmen and Senators to co
sponsor the bill.  To assist in this effort we are trying to put together
a database with information on each Congressman and Senator.  To
provide input to this data base we hope to identify an individual in
each  Congressional district to monitor and coordinate lobbying
activities with respect to that individual  Congressman.  The same
strategy is intended for Senators. A key ingredient of this network is
E-Mail. Instead of attempting to organize a large pyramidal structure
we plan to communicate to these selected individuals, either by
postings to the Parkinsons list or direct E-Mail. If someone is
interested but doesn't have E-Mail, accomadations can  be made
 I have volunteered to attempt to recruit individuals in part of
Pennsylvania.  Listed bllow is are Pennsylvania's Congressman and
whether they have agreed to co-sponsor.
Congressman     District           Co-sponsor   Assigned
Foglietta, Thomas M. 1
Fattah, Chaka           2
Borski, Robert A.      3
Klink, Ron                4     Supportive
Clinger, Jr., Wm F.   5
Holden, Tim              6
Weldon, Curt            7
Greenwood, Jim       8     Co-sponsor
Shuster, Bud            9
McDade, Joseph     10
Kanjorski, Paul E.   11
Murtha, John P.      12     Suportive
[log in to unmask]
Fox, Jon D.             13
Coyne, William         14   Co-sponsor
McHale, Paul           15
Walker, Robert S.     16
Gekas, George W.    17
Doyle, Mike             18
Goodling, William F.  19
Mascara, Frank         20    Suportive
English, Philip           21
If you are interested please contact me.  A manual detailing how to
effectively communicate with Congress is available.  We are
particularly interested in finding individuals who have some
relationship or association with any of these individuals.