

This is the first time I have sent a message, so I would like to introduce
myself.  My name is John Baker and I live in Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  My
mother-in-law has Parkinson's Disease.  She has been a close friend of mine
- I knew her before I knew my wife - for almost 25 years, so I have had the
opportunity to watch the progress of the disease, which she has had for more
than 30 years.
Currently my mother-in-law lives in a nursing home in the town of Liss in
the county of Hampshire, England.  My wife and I wish to pursue the
possibility that a pallidotomy might bring her relief.  She is incapacitated
to the point where travel is difficult, so treatment must be fairly local.
Can anyone recommend a medical center or physician(s) in or around
London or to the south of London which we might contact?
My wife is currently visiting her mother and I will be going over June 4th
for 10 days, so we will be pursuing opportunities most actively between now
(May 26th) and our return on June 13th, though, if we are unsuccessful now,
I am sure we will keep trying.
Thank you for your help.
John Baker
2320 Balsam Drive
Boulder, Colorado  80304
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John Baker