

Re: the question "What is dystonia?"---
Dr. Cheryl Waters on this list stated:"Dystonia is a condition of
forcible muscle contraction, and can actually be seen in PD in 3 different ways
.First, and least often it may be the earliest manifestation...such as foot
cramp and toe curling"...can also be seen as a side effect at the peak of
Sinemet...and finally can be seen when Sinemet wears off...the last problem
is best treated with SinemetCR."
It is both a symptom, as in PD, and the name of a group of illnesses.
There was a long and detailed post on the subject on10 March 1995 fromRonald F.
 Vetter with the subject heading "Dystonia", which can be found in the
PARKINSN list archives.  Hope this is  helpful.
Peter Flintermann, Oxford, OH