

Hi everyone. I have subscribed to this list for the benefit of my
father, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's 8 years ago.  I
appreciate having access to all the valuable information available
through this list.  Sharing information can be very powerful.  It is
quite interesting to see, for example, symptoms described that my
father has experienced but has been told are NOT related to PD.  Yet
so many people have them.  For instance, my father has been
experiencing back pain and cannot currently stand up straight.  It
seems to me that this MUST be directly related to PD, yet the doctor
says that he has just strained his back.  I think he needs a new
One of my fears is that I may get PD myself.  My whole body
occasionally shakes (it is really more like a rocking motion).  I
have no control over this.  I am wondering if perhaps it is a very
early sign of PD.  Several times I have thought we were having an
I think there is some controversy over whether or not PD is
hereditary.  I would be interested in hearing anyone's thoughts on
that subject.
Thank you, Barb for starting this list.  Thank you to all the
participants.  Best wishes to all.
Carrie Barrott
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