

Dear Listmembers,
Moira and I are back from Loma Linda and we are both suffering from jet lag
and lack of sleep -- the flight was an overnighter. It will take us several
days to get back on track.
Thanks to everyone for the good wishes and prayers on this very dramatic
event in our lives. And thanks to Alan for reporting Moira's progress.
The surgery was highly successful -- described as A+ by Dr. Iacono and his
associates. Certainly, on the basis of the four days after Moira left the
hospital (about 19 hours after surgery!),  it has been an amazing and
remarkable success. Over the past few days Moira's "offs" have been
difficult to spot -- she has no deep rigidity, no unvoluntary movement, etc.
On the spur of the moment, we decided to see a bit of Southern California by
spending three days in Palm Springs, Friday through Sunday, in 100 degree
heat and brilliant sun. On Sunday we drove through the San Jacinto Mountains
on our way back to L.A. where we walked in the surf at Mailibu before going
to the airport.
In time, we will try to post some reflections on the surgery and the results.
Regards and much affection to everyone,
Moira and Peter
Peter J. Kidd
Learning Materials Consulting Services
Phone & Fax: (902) 443-4262
Email: [log in to unmask] & [log in to unmask]