

> I could easily be in for a rude awakening; what are the experiences of
> others?
> Darrell Bethune
> East Kootenay Community College
> [log in to unmask]
>-- End of excerpt from Darrell Bethune

Hi asked about James mentioned we use it as the
Computer-Assisted Writing Centre and are very pleased with it; while it
doens't yet have Internet access it will soon.  The advantage is that
students can work at home; does Connect allow for that?
re: cost. Depending on whether you have to buy a server to sit FirstCLass on,
and how many licences you buy, it can be expensive.  (email me privately if
you want nuts and bolts of costs), but at least the students' client software
is "free." (that is, you can run off disks for the students' at home use
without additional costs). If you have to buy Connect and run it on a server,
you  might be better off getting  WPerfect (educational costs for each
licence are apparently 29$ or Word) and Novell (if you need to network other
applications--like Netscape, etc.) and FirstClass.

But it depends on a lot off issues, including whether you want internet
access via other programs and whether you want student sot be able to work at
home, and how much money you have..  Lots of issues to consider.  regards,

(sorry, i'm coming in on tail-end of discussion--actually took 3 days
off--see what happens when you're not chained to your desk!!  Enjoyed Doug
and Marcy's comments--hope to have time to digest later..m-l)