

Everyone knows that P.D. is often associated with depression, but almost in
the case of my father I think there is no so simply.
My father (he has P.D., not me :-)) is surely depressed, but... I think
that depression is a disease began *before* P.D. I'm a depressed too (now I
have been cured) and so I recognize in my father many synptoms of
depression he has from many years.
So I'm asking: how many of my father's problems depends from depression and
how many from P.D.?
Last year my father was in-patient in a clinic because his P.D. situation
was very awful. Well, only for a test, a day he toke a very little quantity
of Laroxil (anti-depressive). The day after, he was an other man: he seems
not have P.D. anymore.
Now there are other problems (he don't want take care of himself, in
practice ;-)), but in this last days I have convinced him to go to a
psychiatrist, and my final purpose is to in-patient him in an hospital in
which he can be cured by neurologists and psychiatrists together. Maybe it
would resole major problems... I hope so.
What do you think of my project? I'm right or I'm doing a silliness?