

Dear Debbie,
       I first developed symptoms of PD after the birth of my first son,
which then got worse after the birth of my second son six years later.  After
that childbirth, --after 7 years of going from doctor to chiropractor, to
napropath, to acupuncuturist, to neurologist, etc. etc. I finally had a neck
surgery and a diagnosis.
      If you think you may have PD, it is important to pursue it and insist
with the neurologist.  Read up and understand the disease yourself, and speak
for yourself.  Regular general MD's have as limited understanding of PD, and
many doctors, neurologists included don't like dealing with chronic,
unfixable conditions.  The sooner you get a diagnosis, and have a plan the
better.  The worst thing you can do is get passive and wait.
                                 Claudia Elliott